Thursday, March 14, 2013

5th grade pizza party winner....

Was Ms. Andrews class. They sold the most pies and  have earned a pizza party for their entire class. Congrats!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Last year for Mr. Sebring

Mr. Sebring will be greatly missed. We wish him the best of 
luck his new adventures. The new district is lucky to have him. 

Read more about his leaving

Holly's Heroes Update

I am getting so excited about this event! Things are starting to come together and I am amazed at how many people are willing to step up to the plate and help out where needed.

 Our event will be help on Sunday, May 19th from noon until 4pm.

There will be a few things going on during the event. Raffle, Bake Sale, and a Cut-a-Thon.

We are looking for donations for both the raffle and the bake sale. We are asking that items for the bake sale be individually packed and ready to be sold. Also asking for the ingredient list. Our hope is to make a recipe book and present this to Holly at a later date. Contact Carla if you are able to help with either of the these things.

Spirit Week will be held the week before our event. The cost of spirit week if $3.00 to participate I the whole of week of events,  families with multiple children, the cost will be $5.00, or if the children only want to participate on Friday, the cost will be $1.00  .. Money from this will go towards our event and Susan G. Komen. What's most exciting about this spirit week is we also have the other 2 elementary schools on board and will be doing it with us during the same week. This is one of Holly's dreams, to get the community involved!

Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this event!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ribbons for sale

Holly's Heroes will be selling ribbons to welcome back Mrs. Foecking back to school. Ribbons will cost .10 a piece, lets line the walls with them! Make her feel extra special!

Ribbons will be sold before school and during lunch from now until 3/25

5th grade pie fundraiser

Lets help the 5th graders earn extra money for their year end graduation party. All extra pie money this month will go towards the 5th graders. Also as a bonus, the 5th grade classroom that sells the most pies will receive a pizza party! Orders and money are due to the school on Thursday March 7th.

Superintendent search meeting