9/11/13 Maple Boosters Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Carla C., Claudine D., Amy B., Bonnie G., Zach C., Holly F., Karen A., Valentine B., Angela H., Annette E., Tellesha K.
Meeting called to order at 6:18 p.m.
1. Welcome/Introductions
Carla welcomed all attendees to the first meeting for this school year. All attendees introduced themselves.
2. Treasurer Report
Amy presented the 2013/2014 proposed budget for approval and explained in detail how Boosters raises money (income) and what money is used for (expenses). Once questions were answered budget was submitted for approval. 1st motion to approve made by Annette, 2nd motion Karen. Budget was approved by all attendees.
Amy also presented the current income/expense report for review.
3. Secretaries Report
Since this was the first meeting of school year, nothing was available/submitted for approval.
4. Committee Reports
Claudine distributed a listing of the current committees and what the responsibilities are for each.
Fall Fundraiser - This will be done through Tri-C catalog. Begins September 23rd, Ends October 4th. Orders are expected to be received approximately 4 weeks after submission to Tri-C.
Box Tops/Labels for Education - Maple will have pod races this year to encourage more families to collect and turn in Box Tops. One idea was to have a trophy award for the pod collecting the most Box Tops each month. There may also be additional awards added at a future date. Annette and Karen agreed to co-chair for Box Tops committee. Bonnie will assist.
Yearbook - Zach said last year’s book was 44 pages and we ordered in the 126-150 book cost range . Using the current cost from Lifetouch we would be charged $16.50/book (cost to parents would be $17.00/book). Since only a little over 100 copies were sold last year Boosters had to cover the cost of all books not sold.
He explained we could go to a 36 page book at a cost of $14.50 for 126-150 copies or $16.50 for 101-125 copies. The layout for the 36 page book is very similar to previous years and would still allow for additional photos (candid shots) to be included.
After discussion amongst attendees it was decided we would order 101 copies to avoid having so many books unsold. Cost to parents will be decided at a later date.
Zack to contact Lifetouch to ask about cost difference in having Lifetouch set up yearbook instead of committee and cost to have student artwork featured on cover.
Angela and Karen agreed to co-chair this committee.
Membership - Diane C. is the committee chairperson, with assistance from Amy. Since Diane was unable to attend meeting Amy reported we have 36 members at this time. On October 1st a drawing will be held for a $25.00 Applebee’s gift card from all memberships received through September 30th. Discussed having another membership contest during conferences.
Also discussed Giant Eagle’s Apples 4 Students program and Target Red Card program. Additional information will be sent to parents.
5. Bylaws - conflict of interest
Claudine submitted a conflict of interest clause for addition to current bylaws. Final approval will be voted on at next meeting.
6. Principal’s Message
Chipotle Night - Zach will set up a night in early November (Monday or Tuesday) for a Boosters fundraiser. Maple will receive tickets/flyers promoting fundraiser, which must be turned in to Chipotle with food purchase. We can also ask anyone entering Chipotle if they are interested in supporting Maple and give them a ticket/flyer. Maple will receive 50% of all food sales made with ticket/flyer during our fundraiser night.
End of Year Award - Zach would like to establish an award plaque to be displayed at Maple that would list one boy and girl from each grade who has best shown Maple’s core values throughout the year. Submissions would be received from teachers.
One Maple/One Book - This will be held in January or February 2014.
At 7:07 p.m. Amy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Bonnie. All attendees agreed.
The next Maple Boosters meeting will be held Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 6:15 p.m.
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