2/12/14 Maple Boosters Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:20 p.m.
1. Welcome/Introductions
Attendees: Carla C., Claudine D., Amy B., Bonnie G., Zac C., Holly F., Angela H., Diane C.
2. Treasurer Report
Amy verbally reviewed February’s financial report. She will distribute February and March financial reports for approval at the 3/12/14 meeting.
3. Secretaries Report
Bonnie submitted 1/15/14 Meeting Minutes for approval. 1st Motion - Amy, 2nd Motion - Claudine. Minutes approved by all attendees.
4. Nominating Committee
Claudine will lead this committee with help from Zac and Holly. Nominations for next year’s Maple Boosters Officers will be accepted/presented at 3/12/14 meeting. Amy will supply the nominating committee with a current list of Boosters members.
5. Valentine’s Day Parties
Will be held Friday, February 14th at 2:15 p.m. Boosters will supply a Oreo’s and Capri Sun to classrooms.
Carla advised that Mrs. Hashier’s class will also be having a pizza party during their party. They won it from the Fall Fundraiser.
6. Box Tops/LFE
Claudine stated the Blue Pod is currently in the lead for the pod races. March 1st is the next deadline to turn in Box Tops. She will send the Labels for Education catalog link to Zac so he can see what’s available.
7. Carnival
Per Claudine, will be held May 30th. The Buy One, Get One Free Scholastic Book Fair will be held in the Art room. No further updates available as Sue (committee lead) was not at meeting.
8. Malleys
Per Carla, fundraiser will start February 28th with orders due March 26th (before Spring Break). Pick up date is April 11th. If we sell $3,000 Malley’s will sort and deliver candy to Maple. If under $3,000 we will need to pick up and sort orders. Checks are to be made payable to Maple Boosters.
9. Principal Message
Zac advised the magician visit for One Maple One Book has been changed to February 21st. The actual cost for the magician will be $650, instead of $500 (which Boosters will pay).
OAA testing dates are April 24th through May 16th. Zac will advise Maple’s testing dates at next meeting.
Family Math Night (3/6/14) - Students will be using playing cards for the math games. All students attending will receive a deck of cards and a raffle ticket. Zac asked Amy to buy math/number type games for the raffle drawing.
The Millions for Maple word total is currently 63 million. Zac is considering an ice cream treat for students if the next goal is met before Spring Break. He’s still working out the details. Hasn’t decided if treat will be school/classroom/student based.
Field Day - Will be held after Memorial Day, date TBD. Most likely events would be grouped as Kindergarten - 3rd grade in the morning and 3rd - 5th grade in the afternoon. Zac would like to ask Homeroom parents to volunteer. Annette will contact them.
Maple will be hosting a meeting with Painesville City Schools Superintendent, John Shepard, on Thursday, March 20th at 4:30 p.m. Zac invited anyone that’s available to attend.
10. Open Floor
Claudine reminded everyone that Market Day is currently running a Pie selling fundraiser. Maple will receive extra money for every pie sold. Profit from pies goes to the 5th graders fund for their year end celebration. Considering having a pizza party for the classroom that sells the most pies.
Zac made 1st motion to end meeting, 2nd Diane. Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 6:15 p.m.
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